Pancakes Very few things can beat the smell and taste of a warm stack of pancakes in the morning. Except bacon. Always Bacon... Mmmm... wut? Oops, I digress. That's another post. And meal. As of this writing, May 2021, literally millions of people have things growing in their fridge or kitchen
Recipe BLUE! Blue! As in blue cheese. It stinks like old sweat socks, but tastes like heaven. Most refrigerators will have a random jar of old crusty blue cheese dressing hidden way in the back, and when you need it, you question "How do I know if it's good? Can it go
Recipe Spiders!!! Before there were stoves and ovens in most homes in early America, everyone had a fireplace. In place of ovens, there were dutch ovens, and spiders, the cast iron 3 legged covered pots, much like the dutch oven. A typical Spider PanNew Englanders were known for being frugal, and virtually
Recipe Egg Nog Love it or hate it... if you hate it, you most likely never had some made from scratch. This is the recipe I have been using for about 40 years in one form or another. It's changed a bit, bit not much. This is a yearly Christmas Holiday time tradition.
Recipe My House Seasoning Every cook has their favorite spice blend, something they put on everything. One Celebrity Chef (BAMM!) has their own Essence. The following is the basis for mine. I put it on a lot, and you can tailor it for your particular tastes. Mostly the sweetness, and the heat. I make
Recipe Food Cart White Sauce Growing up in the NYC area, I was exposed to a LOT of different ethnic foods. One of my favorite was the Halal street carts... flame roasted meats or kabobs served on soft warmed pita, drizzled with that white sauce... excuse me while I wipe the drool off my chin.
General Welcome! Seriously, since you found this little blog, welcome! Every blog author loves to know people are looking at what is being published. Hi, I'm Tim, and I'm not a Chef. But, I love eating! Boy, do I love to eat. If it doesn't move faster than I do, it may
Equipment Basic Equipment To participate in any activity, you need the right equipment. For cooking, you need some basic things. My pick is at least one wood and one plastic cutting board, a good knife, and a heavy frying pan. With these things, you can cook a lot. Why two cutting boards? Well,